Large Office Building“I am a Small Business, Not a Large Corporation”

Many business owners, existing or startups, think that they need to have thousands of dollars to invest in their IT Infrastructure.  While it would be very nice to be able to spend as much money as necessary, and get everything you need right from the start, it usually isn’t feasible and probably not a wise decision anyway.  There is no way of really knowing what your technology needs will be until you are in business long enough to establish trends and usage patterns to base these decisions on.  It’s nice to think that your product will be a hit from the day you open your doors, but it usually takes a bit of time to ramp up to the big time.  Why spend more than you have to in the meantime?

A startup can spend a large chunk of their investment capital on in-house hardware that they don’t need right away and then have to replace it in a few years when they become obsolete.

The Answer is Virtualization

Server RackThrough the utilization of a virtual server environment, you can easily get your systems online and scale them up or down as needed.  There is no need to get the top-of-the-line server setup when you are only at the development stage with little to no traffic.  You can save a ton of money by starting with a small virtual instance and then scaling up to a larger one right before the “go live” date, or as your customer base grows.

Having the flexibility to scale your server hardware at a moments notice makes it easy and cost-effective to only use what you need when you need it.

What About Expensive Software?

If your company relies on specific software to run it’s daily operations you may be looking at spending a few thousand dollars on licences of programs like Microsoft Office, Intuit Quickbooks, or other titles.  Depending on your usage, you may be able to get away with open-source versions of these common software packages that work just as good as their licensed counterparts.

Let Us Help You Choose the Right Software

If your company is getting ready to make a large software commitment, please schedule a consult so that we can see if there are ways to save you money on alternative offerings.

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You Don’t Have to Be A Big Business to Function Like ‘Big Business’
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